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Straight Riffin

No longer active. Comedians Mitcz Marzoni and Teddy Tutson come together weekly with a rotation of special guests to tear down and crack jokes about our world and times, where nothing is taboo and everything needs to be riffed on.

Episode 108
posted : Apr 22nd, 2013

Dwayne Perkins

This is it, riffolonians. The FINAL episode in the epic saga that is and was Straight Riffin. Dwayne Perkins brought it hard, fast, loud and hilarious like only Dwayne could. We talked about success, the ridiculous chasm between platinum status between countries of the world, language barriers, Dwayne’s “CAKE” system (and Mitcz’s attempt to re-word […]

Episode 106
posted : Apr 8th, 2013

Jackie Gold

Jackie Gold joins us for a solid riffin’ session in Ep106. We discuss her brief foray into the world of J-Date while explaining related sites, jewish culture, her jewish summer camp, and young Jackie’s diary entries. We also discuss strip clubs, young love, weed culture, pop-culture (and why it’s lost on Mitcz) and much more. […]

Episode 104
posted : Mar 25th, 2013

Amy Witry

If you love pets (especially cats), you’re gonna LOVE this episode with returning guest Amy Witry. Closing out “All Women Everything”, we talk cats to an almost absurd degree. And we discuss dogs. And cuteness. Then weird pets. Then weird animals. Then the De-Extinction of animals. And Teddy’s desire to raise a Wolf Pack. And… […]

Episode 101
posted : Mar 4th, 2013

Aarona Browning

In our first episode of our first month of women (“All Women Everything!”), Aarona Browning brings it hard, fast, loud and funny. We start out with a discussion of growing up, our respective childhoods, and some serious pop-culture (which is lost on Mitcz, of course). From there, we launch into a very detailed discussion of […]

Episode 99
posted : Feb 18th, 2013

Jeremy Scippio

The hilarious, bold Jeremy Scippio returns! And it’s quite a raucous event, kids. While discussing silly childhood games, Mitcz explains a knife fight he was in. Teddy defends John Travolta’s career. Jeremy and Teddy get into a series of verbal battles which are enlightening and enthralling. For some reason, there’s a lot of crackling mic […]

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