In our inaugural episode, Stoya presents the idea of a “Church of Porn” after a brief discussion of coconut oil as lube while Mitcz tries to get a fuller picture of what the Church of Porn can do for the follower. Our main story this episode is PornHub’s “revenge porn reporting tool”. Stoya has a lot to say on the matter, remains skeptical of their intentions, and gives an overview of the revenge porn space as it relates to multiple online companies, while Mitcz investigates just how crappy the PornHub tool actually is.
The show gets light-hearted afterwards, as Stoya and Mitcz discuss consent, first dates, and finally Stoya shares with us a fascinating story of how she lost her virginity.
Remember : you can send messages to Stoya or Mitcz to suggest topics for upcoming shows by clicking either one’s name from our podcast page. We’ll be back every other week, so you’ve got plenty of time to come up with something juicy.